jeudi 24 juillet 2014

United States, Virginia - Day 16

DAY 16

Today we visited the Holicaust Museum. It talks about the jewish genocid during the Second World War. This was a great and really emotional moment. The first chapter of the exposition treated the affirmation of the nazi ideology and how everyone underestimated this threat.
The second chapter treated the "Final Solution" and showed the conditions of life of Jewish people in the ghettos and in the concentration camps. It was really sad. We saw a lot of pictures, testimonies and rests of the camps. Finally the third chapter exposed the testimony of persons who tried to resist to the nazi expansion and helped the Jewish people. We also saw a movie where people escaped from the camps told their story.
If think that this kind of exposition is really hard to build because sometimes there's no word to express the horror and the suffering of the past. But this museum was impressive cause it tells only the truth. 
After that we went in the Jefferson's memorial which is really beautiful. I learnt more about this president because I didn't really know who he was, and in fact he was a really passionate and cultivate human. 

We ate in a Mediterranean restaurant for lunch, then we got home and that was the end of our DC trip! 

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